Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Filming from the Pub

This is a shot made from the window of the pub at the end of my street. This is where the crew setup the car and such. Also they were filming in the house just to the right of this shot and across the street.

Rumour has it they paid $4000 for the day at the hosue, and $250 for the rental of the pub parking lot....but that seems low to me.

Apparently they were supposed to film some scenes IN the pub but they are going over budget so those have been nixed. Posted by Picasa

Different Angle - Snow Angel - Kate Winslet

I don't know about you, but I remember Kate Winslet best for her naked couch scene in Titanic...also filmed in here in Dartmouth.

This is a diff angle of the prop car whizzing past. Notice the camera man in the back seat, and extra crew in the far back.

At the top of the hill, white house with green trim is where I got married...the building formerly known as 'Shane's house'. Posted by Picasa

Filming Snow Angel on our Stree

This is a photo I made coming back from the pub. You see the production truck towing the prop car with actor inside. Apparently the actor should be Kate Winslet, but it might be her stand-in today. Rumour has it that Kate won't be in town until tomorrow. I'll try to make a photo then.
In the background is a blue house...that's my parents house. Posted by Picasa