Comprised of two diff photos taken at the same place. Someone had spent alot of time arranging these beach rocks into some wonderful seats with a view of the ocean. The things you find when you go off the beaten path!
This is a blend of two photos taken while we were whalewatching in the Bay of Fundy. We camped overnight on an island and left the next day for about a 3 hour tour (ominus, eh?). We didn't spot many whales but TJ, around age 8 then, was fascinated just being on a boat. He spent most of the time at the rail just staring at the water rushing past and was one of the first to spot the white-sided dolphins and humpback whales.
but I thought it deserved to be preserved and the news spread for others to see. It's a photo by a local Real Estate Agent, Betty Ann Dewitt. She snapped the photo shortly before realizing she could help in other ways. Read the story here: The caption for the photo originally published in the Herald is: Floyd Morris, 77, works to rescue John Webster and his young son from their burning vehicle after it caught fire Sunday in Advocate Harbour. Seconds later, Mr. Morris emerged carrying the young boy. It took the help of two others to pull Mr. Webster from the car. (Betty Ann DeWitt)
Ok, here's another thing I was messing around with in PS. Blending two photos together. I didn't have much to work from since I moved all my photos off my laptop to an external harddrive. But I thought these two went together well since my buddy Mark is very proud of his hometown of Bakersfield. And yes, that's the 'Crystal Palace' sign in the background