I've decided I will no longer support zoo's that merely 'house' animals. (See Photo below). There have been great steps in creating natural habitats for animals in captivity. And, any zoo that does not, or is not, taking steps to upgrade their facilities are merely 'housing' animal for profit, in my opinion. Newer habitats have been created that don't require visible means of containment. I'm tired of going through zoos and seeing bears pacing in cages like some mental patient in a straight-jacket when there is no need. And I'm not just talking a few trees for the cats to climb. I'm talking roamable habits, where the public is seperated by things like moats which are never seen due to optical illusion and good landscaping. Ones where the habitat is constantly changing and animals are not bored to death (literally). Ones where species are intermixed and animals can experience the smells and sounds of the other animals, hunt fish, etc. Watch Animal Planet or Discovery and you'll see what I mean.
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